Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Another way to prevent stroke with low cost

" Prevention is better than the treatment". That said the wise men.
In the modern era like now we see a lot of the health tools produced by the human in anticipation of various diseases. I saw almost all of the tools are only intended to smooth the flow of blood, which carry nutrients and oxygen through the nerves and blood vessels to the entire human body. Especially to the brain which acts as a sender of an order to all members of the body. If the blood flow to the brain is blocked, will cause some brain functions are also disconnected. That will make a party member of the body not working, which in medical language is called a stroke.

To avoid a stroke we have to anticipation and stop as early as possible. For those who have a lot of money must be able to buy health aids, which is currently sold lots with a variety of forms and functions. But for those who are not capable they should seek other alternatives that can be reached by their finance.

Here I want to share a little experience in order to keep the body healthy, primarily to anticipate and so that not affected by stroke with no need to charge. This experience I got from an old man who had advised me about 15 years ago, which at that time he was 123 years old and not affected by stroke yet. And I, who had been kept practicing, until this moment still feel benefits.

First, he advised me and anyone who has ege over 30 years to set healthy eating patterns by extending food containing vitamins such as vegetables, fruits, and reduce food fatty.

Second, he advised and recommended in order to keep the body healthy with things like my following description below:

If we touch the backbone of our body we will find on the left and right of the spine are two curves, that extend from a bove waist to the back of our neck. More precisely the two curves are directly at the left and right of our spine. That's where the strategic center connecting the veins and nerves to the brain. If the blood flow in that area is not smooth, it will cause various diseases in the body. Among stroke disease, aches, pains and fell like a cracked bones when waking up in the morning and also make hair fall out so quickly which makes quick head bald.

To stimulate the blood flow in the veins and nerves in that area, we must often do the massage the two curves like what I do in the shower, that in the following way:

1 - After the entire body covered with soap, one of our hand with the fingers pressing the curve and pushed upward, starting from above waist pushed up and then followed by the other hand, also with fingers pressing and pulling up until the vortex of head. This massage should be done repeatedly, at least ten.

2 - The next step. The hair on the head which also has been covered with soap or shampoo, should also massage with the ten fingers as much as possible, so the hair to feel greasy. That means we have successfully unleashed the fats under the skin of our heads.

That's how I do massage repeated five to ten, while taking a bath. And a week later I began to feel the body healthy and fit again the blood was flowing smoothly to my head.  It would be nice too, if the massage for the head done at least three times a week. This is effective way to eliminate dandruff.

With often do things like above, until now my body always feels fresh and fit, when I wake up from sleep never again to feel sore, and not a bald head and no dandruff. And I also believe that the massage like this if often done, will continue to prevent me from the stroke. Hopefully all of the friends also can take a benefit from this experience.

What is the core of tips above?

Because there are many friends who sent a letter to my email address, asking things like the questions that I have written below, although in fact, I really hope all of my friends, to ask these things in the comments field which has been provided below, not to my email address. So on this blog, I am back again, trying to write some of the explanations as follows:

The cores of the tips above are:
1- Smooth flow of blood carrying nutrients and oxygen to the head and prevent narrowing and obstruction in the veins and nerves. As for the blood flow could be using the tools of health that are now widely sold or by way of massage using hand.

2 - Secondly, to remove fats which are under the scalp, which damage the hair roots. Therefore, the terms massage in the head, should be done until the hair feels greasy.

3 - Reduce consumption of foods containing fat and increase consumption of foods containing vitamins.

1- Why when performing massage on the head, but I never felt such as oil smeared?
2- What is meant by two curves in our back? In fact, during this time we only see one curve only, not two?
3- How long the effect on the hair, we can begin to feel?
4- Do we need to consume certain vitamins?
5- What are the benefits accrued from doing massage as above?
6- Is this way really has been proven to restore hair on a bald head becoming fertile again?

1 - First time, I had just started the massage on the head also does not feel greasy hair, but after doing more than one week then I could feel the hair such as oil smeared. In this case I recommend massage should be done as optimal as possible or by way of clamps scalp with all ten fingers. If necessary before the massage we do scratching the skin on the head first, so that the pores of the scalp stretched.

2 - Indeed, if we look at first glance there is only one curve on our backs, but actually if we fumble on the left and right sides of the spine there are two curves. In this case the massage is not on the bone but on curves which are at the left and right of the spine.

3 - Regarding when its effect on the hair began to be felt, I do not really remember, but for sure, after the past few months about 4 or 5, I realized and felt around the vortex of the head began again overgrown with hair. And after a year later I saw my head on the mirror is no longer bald. Even my wife and all my family and even my friends also feel surprised and said: "First your head is bald why now could not bald?"

4 - Regarding vitamins, I think it is necessary to consume him. But I never specialized to consume certain vitamins. In fact I think we should have a lot to consume all the vitamins and reduce the consumption of fatty foods.

5 - The benefits that I feel after a massage as above: 1-my body feels fresh and healthy and no longer feels sore when I wake up. 2-My hair no dandruff 3-With blood flowing smoothly into my head, I feel sure, in this way will prevent a stroke. Because it is these tips I got from a people who have succeeded in preventing stroke on him self.

6 - Actually, this method aims to prevent strokes and makes the hair on the head did not quickly fall out, by keeping the roots of the hair from damage and extinction caused by fats that are under the scalp. If the roots of the hair on the head already extinct, I am not so sure that the head bald for many years already, in this way can be re-grown hair. But there is nothing wrong if we tried. Hopefully can also restore the hair on the head which had been bald for years.

2 komentar:

  1. This information will greatly help the stroke patients, or those who have relatives with paralysis of any kind resulting from Stroke. I suffered a massive ischemic stroke for over 9 years, that I was forced to give up work. But the medication I used, by name GREE-TAG Herbal cure proved there is life after stroke and I decided to share my testimony. When I had the stroke, I felt trapped inside my body. I knew that everything that was in 'me' was still there, but I couldn't communicate. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through. The reason behind my testimony is the misconception that strokes can not be cured or reversed as stated by medical professionals. I am a living proof that improvement and cure is certain with GREE-TAG Herbal cure for stroke, death from stroke can be defeated. With Herbal Medicine, and Doctor's Allen's recommended healthy diet, I considered myself regaining as much as 99.9% back to my old and normal self. It is in short, an answer to my earnest prayers. I'd recommend any stroke patient to contact Dr. Allen for advice to end this stigma of Stroke.

  2. It’s no longer news that this deadly ailment called STROKE  now has a cure through Herbal medication, for those of you still in doubt, I am a living witness. I have been living with Stroke for as long as I can remember before I broke free from it. We all know that the stigma of Stroke can be harder to treat than the disease itself. I hope we know even most of the pharmaceutical drugs are products of Herbs.To know more about it, Check out this blog: .  Don't forget to share with those in need also.   Or reach Dr. Allen Chase via:

